Get Involved
Cleaning Crews
We are looking for volunteers to help once a month in keeping the Lord’s house clean! There are different tasks that need completed each week (bathrooms, dusting, floors, trash), and larger tasks tackled once a month (windows/glass cleaning, vacuuming, gym floor, base boards). If you can commit to at least one hour a month, please fill out this quick form to let us know which day/time works best for you. Your time is appreciated!!
Potlucks are the 2nd Sabbath of each month. We are looking for at least 4 families to serve on the “kitchen crew” each month. If available, please let us know which month works best for you. Thank you!!
Door-to-Door Evangelism
Our citywide evangelism and literature distribution is every Sabbath (Saturday) afternoon. We are sharing God’s love and the Three Angels’ Messages with our surrounding neighborhoods in Grand Prairie. If you would like to join us, meet us here at the church, on Saturdays, at 2 p.m.
If you have questions about any of the initiatives above, feel free to contact us at (214) 677-0668 or email grandprairiesda@att.net.