Grand Prairie Adventist Community Services
Acts 10:38 says that Jesus Christ “went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed.”
In His earthly ministry, Christ worked out a pattern for His followers to copy.
The Community Services Department of the Grand Prairie Seventh-day Adventist Church uses the life and teachings of Jesus as its motto. Jesus is the perfect example for our program. “HE MINISTERED TO THEIR NEEDS AND WON THEIR CONFIDENCE AND BADE THEM FOLLOW HIM.” Therefore, we are the ambassadors of Christ serving the community needs, being used by the Holy Spirit as an agency of salvation.
Services are available to clients without conditions, except a valued need. The program is financially and physically supported mostly by the Seventh-day Adventist Church family. Donations and requests are welcomed.
Food Pantry
The food pantry is free and open to the public the first Tuesday of each month. In addition to the food, we sometimes have free household items, furniture and clothing based on availability.
School Supplies and Christmas Toys
We support two distributions during the year - school supplies (August) and Christmas toys (December).
For more information, please leave a message for our Community Services Director, Debra Belz, at 214-677-0668 or email: grandprairiesda@att.net
Location: 4125 Lake Ridge Pkwy., Grand Prairie, TX 75052
BLOG: Community School Supply Distribution Day
During the event on August 7, families from the community arrived at our church to collect the school supplies. Our dedicated team of volunteers warmly welcomed over 150 students from various schools and grade levels. Each student received a complete school supply kit that included backpacks, notebooks, folders, pencils, pens, crayons, glue sticks, and more. Additionally, families were provided with Bible literature, information about local resources, programs, and support services available to them.
Seeing the joy and gratitude on the faces of the children as they received their new school supplies was a truly heartwarming experience. Many families expressed how this opportunity eased their financial stress and provided a sense of relief as they prepared their children for a successful school year.
We are very thankful to Amerigroup for their generous contributions and resources. Your commitment to education and your compassion for those in need is truly inspiring.
We are also incredibly grateful to our church members and neighborhood volunteers who gave their time and energy to making a positive difference in our community. From coordinating logistics to assembling backpacks, their dedication and willingness to serve reflects the heart of our church’s mission.
And to the families we had the privilege to serve, may God continue to bless you and keep you safe throughout the school year ahead.