Story Time with Mr. Willard
White as Snow with Mr. Willard
July 24, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Did you know your heart can have "sin smudges"? Mr. Willard shares that when we mess up or do something we shouldn't, we can ask Jesus to wipe away our smudges and cleanse our hearts to be white as snow (with real snow!).
How Mr. Willard Gets Ready Each Day
June 4, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you have a routine for getting ready each day? Does it include "Son-screen?" Mr. Willard shares how he starts each day putting on the protection of Jesus!
Dos and Don’ts with Mr. Willard
May 28, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you trust your parents when they tell you not to do something? Sometimes we think we know best, but usually are parents are right! They love us and want to keep us safe. Jesus has dos and don'ts for us, too, because He loves us! We should always trust Him!
Working Around the Church with Mr. Willard
May 21, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever seen an ugly flower? Mr. Willard shows how sometimes things don't seem pretty or fun, but everything we do for God, and what God makes are good!
Mr. Willard Goes to Church
May 14, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you go to church with an open or closed mind? When we go to church with an open mind, we're ready to be filled with all the good things to learn about Jesus and share it with others!
Mr. Willard and the Apple Seeds
April 23, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Apples are good for us, right? Did you know there's a little something in the apple seeds that isn't so good for us? Mr. Willard tells us more and how Jesus can protect us or help us through bad times!
Mr. Willard is a Workman
April 16, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Are you a helper? Mr. Willard shares lots of ideas on how we can be workers for Jesus by helping others!
Mr. Willard and His Words
April 9, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever said something you wished you hadn't? Words can't be taken back once they're said. Mr. Willard encourages us to "think before we speak" so our words are always kind and pleasing to Jesus!
Mr. Willard and His Slingshot
April 2, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever faced a giant? Mr. Willard tells us the story of David and Goliath and how a simple slingshot (with the Lord's strengthening) took down a giant!
Mr. Willard Gets Spun Around
March 19, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you ever feel like temptations have you spinning in circles? Mr. Willard shows us how to keep the Holy Spirit within us so we can live a good calm life.
Recycling with Mr. Willard
March 12, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you recycle at home? Mr. Willard shows us who the very first recycler was and how Jesus is preparing a wonderful place for us to live in Heaven.
Pop, Pop, Pop Goes Mr. Willard!
March 6, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever had stitches from a wound, or a bruise from falling? Our bodies can go through a lot of pain and sickness. But Mr. Willard shares a wonderful promise that when Jesus comes to take us to Heaven, we will get NEW bodies in a twinkling of an eye!
Mr. Willard Fills His Heart with the Holy Spirit
February 27, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you have a heart filled with selfishness or obedience? Mr. Willard shows us how to fill our heart with the Holy Spirit so we can obey God's Word and all go to Heaven one day soon!
Mr. Willard Does the Impossible, Again!
February 20, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! When facing an impossible task, do you become doubtful? Remember, nothing is impossible with God!! Mr. Willard shows us another impossible task - let's watch!
Does Mr. Willard Walk on Water?
February 13, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever seen bugs and dragonflies land on water without sinking? Mr. Willard explains how they can do that and how Jesus takes care of all His creatures big and small! Jesus loves you!!
Mr. Willard and the Weight of Air
February 6, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Did you know air has weight? Mr. Willard shows us how air helps us hear and smell, all thanks to Jesus - our wonderful Creator!
Mr. Willard Says We Are the Salt of the Earth
January 23, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Can you pull an ice cube out of water with just a string? Mr. Willard can... he shows how being the "salt of the earth" can lift others, just like he does with the ice cube! Jesus is happy when we are kind and loving to each other!
Don’t Get Angry with Mr. Willard
January 16, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever been asked to do something you know is wrong? Jesus protects us when we stand up for Him, just like he did with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. But how did King Nebuchadnezzar feel about that? Mr. Willard shows us his reaction!
Mr. Willard and the Golden Rule
January 9, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you treat others the way you like to be treated? Mr. Willard shows us how to "taste and see" that the Lord is good and how we should be kind and share the gospel without holding our nose!
Mr. Willard Gets Nutty
January 2, 2021 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Has anger ever wormed its way into your heart? Mr. Willard shows us what happens when we let anger into our heart, and how Jesus can help us keep a clean, nice heart.
Mr. Willard Turns Ugly to Beautiful
December 26, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! What can we do to fix a bad attitude? Mr. Willard shows us that a little "sanding" might hurt at first, but it will smooth out the bad and let the good show through! We should ask Jesus to "sand and polish" us up to be the best we can be!
Mr. Willard and the Opossum
December 19, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Mr. Willard catches a live opossum! What should he do with it? What does Jesus think about wild animals? You gotta see this!
Mr. Willard Shares God’s Love
December 12, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! What you ever been criticized for sharing God's love with others? Mr. Willard shows us how God helps us to be bold so we're not afraid to tell others about God.
Mr. Willard and the Wrappers
December 5, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Did you know you have a wrapper around you? Mr. Willard shows us how God uses "wrappers" to protect the special things He has made.
Mr. Willard Has Not So Good a Day
November 28, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever had a bad day? Mr. Willard shows us how the Holy Spirit lifts us up and supports us through our bad days. We can trust the Lord to be with us always!
Music Fun with Mr. Willard
November 21, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! What kind of music do you like? Mr. Willard plays music that makes him want to run, march and fall asleep! But the songs that lift us up and tell us about Jesus's love are the best!!
Mr. Willard and His Special Trick
November 14, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Mr. Willard has a special trick to show us! And did you know Jesus thinks you're pretty special, too? Jesus loves you!!
Mr. Willard Does the Impossible
November 7, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever tried to do something and just can't get it done? Mr. Willard tries something impossible, but finds a way to make it possible! All things are possible when we fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit!
Mr. Willard Shares the Gospel
October 31, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you ever have trouble making up your mind about something? What about being a Christian? Mr. Willard shows us what happens when we decide to follow Jesus and share the gospel with others!
Mr. Willard - Henry’s Bad Day
October 24, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever had a crummy day? Did your bad mood affect others? Mr. Willard says we should let God help when we're having a bad day before the worse happens!
Mr. Willard and the Rainbow - Part 2
October 17, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! What if everything was colored in grey? Can you imagine only seeing grey flowers and grey grass? Life would be very boring! Mr. Willard shows us how Jesus used all the colors of the rainbow to paint our beautiful world!
Mr. Willard and the Rainbow - Part 1
October 10, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever seen a rainbow...in your room? Mr. Willard shows how a prism works, and how Jesus gave us a promise using a rainbow!
Staying Afloat with Mr. Willard
October 2, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever been scared or worried about something? Mr. Willard shows us how Jesus will always keep us afloat so we don't "drown" in our worries or fears.
Mr. Willard and His Magnetism
September 25, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Can you make things "stick" to you? Mr. Willard can! Watch as he shows us his magnetic trick and how we can draws others to Jesus by being kind!
How Magnets Work with Mr. Willard
September 18, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Is it easy to believe in something you can't see? Mr. Willard shows us how magnets work and how Jesus has his angels "stick" to us even when we can't see them!
Mr. Willard and the Holy Spirit
September 12, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you ever feel like Satan is keeping you from being good? Mr. Willard shows us how the Holy Spirit can get passed any obstacle the devil puts in front of us!
Controlling Our Anger with Mr. Willard
September 4, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Do you ever feel mad or anger with someone? Mr. Willard shows us just how we can control our anger and show kindness instead.
Mr. Willard and the Big Spider - Part 2
August 28, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Mr. Willard shares about spiders and their webs and how we can avoid Satan's webs. And I think Mr. Willard might be making this big spider his friend!!
Mr. Willard and the Big Spider - Part 1
August 21, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Remember when Mr. Willard was looking for a spider? Well, he finally found it! Now what?
Mr. Willard, Pickles and Cherries
August 14, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Mr. Willard - first he's sour, then he's sweet! Find out what makes us sour or sweet and what Jesus prefers!
Spider Hunting with Mr. Willard
August 7, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Mr. Willard is looking for a HUGE spider! Or was Mrs. Loreen just exaggerating? Let's help Mr. Willard find the spider and see if she's telling the truth.
Mr. Willard and His Favorite Clock
July 31, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Mr. Willard's favorite clock chimes every hour! Can we be just as consistent with being good for Jesus and our parents? Check this out!
Being the Light of the World with Mr. Willard
July 24, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Jesus wants each of us to be the Light of the World! Mr. Willard shows us how easy it to do just that!
Mr. Willard Picks a Good Egg
July 17, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Can you tell a good egg from a bad egg? Mr. Willard shows us how and encourages us to be a good egg for Jesus!
Exercising with Mr. Willard
July 10, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Mr. Willard shows us how to keep our body and mind healthy for Jesus!
Mr. Willard Cooks with Pop Flour
July 4, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Mr. Willard tries cooking on his own... this could be dangerous! Find out what happens!
Mr. Willard Helps Us Build Character
June 26, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Mr. Willard shows us how to paper mache and build character!
Mr. Willard and His Tools - Part 2
June 19, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! The Lord gave each of you a special talent to use for good. But, Mr. Willard's hammer doesn't think he's that special. Check out what happens!
Mr. Willard and His Tools
June 12, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! What do you have in common with a tool? Mr. Willard shows us his tools and how Jesus uses each one of us!
Little Differences with Mr. Willard
June 5, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Did you know a tiny, little wrong can make a really big difference? Mr. Willard encourages us to follow Jesus to help us do good!
Mr. Willard Does the Impossible
May 29, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! We know nothing is impossible for God! But what about for Mr. Willard? Check out this challenge he has for you!
Mr. Willard and the Joneses
May 22, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Uh-oh...Mr. Willard got into some trouble! Find out how he handles this with Mr. & Mr. Jones.
Mr. Willard and the Good Egg
May 16, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Can you use salt to lift up others? Find out how Mr. Willard "lifts up" his new friend!
Mr. Willard Builds a Phone
May 9, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Did you know you can make your own phone? Mr. Willard shows us how he talks to his friends!
Mr. Willard and the Sun
May 1, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Have you ever played with the sun? Check our Mr. Willard's bright idea!
Trick or Truth - with Mr. Willard
April 25, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids!! Guess who has a few tricks up his sleeve? Let's see what Mr. Willard has for us today!
Be Careful Little Eyes What You See - with Mr. Willard
April 17, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids! Does what you see have an affect on you? Things might go a little sour in this story with Mr. Willard! Check it out…
Praise Time with Mr. Willard
April 15, 2020 | Willard Smith
Praise songs for kids. Get on your feet, clap your hands and sing-along to all your favorites!
Super Grow (Part 2) with Mr. Willard
April 10, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids! Remember when Mr. Willard used his "Super Grow" on a plant? Well, you'll never guess what he tried to grow this week!!
Super Grow (Part 1) with Mr. Willard
April 3, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids! It’s time for another story by Mr. Willard! Let’s see what he’s up to today…
Story Time with Mr. Willard
March 27, 2020 | Willard Smith
Kids! Mr. Willard has found a “toy” to play with… what ever could it be?