Circles Are Better Than Rows
Out of the Shadows
July 11, 2020 | Pastor Carlos Pasillas
Our lives have the potential for greatness, yet often we sell ourselves short of it. Gideon was a mighty hero for God, yet the question is where does God find him? What can God do when we are willing to be used?
Price of Freedom
July 4, 2020 | Pastor Carlos Pasillas
Today we celebrate 4th of July. This day is remembered for the Declaration of Independence, yet on that day the 13 colonies were not set free from British rule rather seven years later in 1783. Their freedom did not come easily nor did it come by itself. It was when they organized and worked together to accomplish that they had their freedom. We too must work together and uncover the price of our freedom.
Out of Reach
June 27, 2020 | Pastor Carlos Pasillas
David was a mighty king, courageous, spiritual but what happened one evening on a roof top? David, like many of us, find ourselves too close to the edge, too far to be reached. Yet, there was a person who believed in David even when David stopped believing in himself. Come and find what the Bible teaches about accountability and how it can bless your life.